Choose us because of our reputation for excellence. For more than 25 years, we’ve earned a name for quality and customer service. The homeowners we serve rely on us for detail-oriented, consistent cleaning services, every single time we clean their homes.
Invest in your free time by using our services. Get started with a personalized estimate!
Our Detail-Clean Rotation System ensures that our work is always high quality. You simply can’t underestimate the power of a good clean – but who has time for it? Focus on the things that matter most to you, and let us take care of the cleaning.
Our Professional House Cleaning Checklist ensures we achieve a thorough clean every time. To back this up, we ensure our clients are always happy with our services. There’s no risk in choosing us! Learn more about our satisfaction guarantee. Our customers keep us coming back to clean their homes because of our commitment to quality and consistent service.
Keeping the Earth clean is part of what we care about, so we take steps to be environmentally friendly. We’re one of the only cleaning companies in North America to use cleaning products that are environmentally responsible or sustainable.
Our Detail-Clean Rotation System has been proven to be effective in over 20 million cleans. Get a Free Price Estimate
Our cleaning crews are professionally trained, and if you’re ever unhappy with any area we’ve cleaned, we’ll return the next day and reclean it.
We’ll give an immediate price quote so you can enjoy your time rather than worry about the mess.
At The Cleaning Authority, we are fully bonded and insured, meaning you can have peace of mind when we enter your home.
We as a company are committed to using cleaning products that are environmentally responsible, sustainable, and safe for the Earth.
Authority Brands is the leading provider of in-home services, building brands that support the success of franchisees as well as better the lives of the homeowners we serve and the people we employ.
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© 2025 The Cleaning Authority Franchising SPE LLC. All rights reserved. Each location individually owned and operated.
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Available at participating franchised locations only. Contact your local franchised office to determine what types of products and services are offered in your area.